Season 2 Ep 14: Relationship Troubles? Maybe You Have That Gut Feeling

This episode we start with Poppin’ Culture. We talk the show Flack on Amazon Prime with Anna Paquin and how it demonstrates establishing boundaries. Next, in our Academic Deep Dive, we discuss “The Gut Reaction to Couples’ Relationship Troubles: A Route to Gut Dysbiosis Through Changes in Depressive Symptoms, ” written by a large team of researchers at Ohio State and Southern Methodist University, led by Dr. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser. Finally, in Good or Bad Advice, we talk about advice from social media.

Academic article: here

Social Media:

1. From instagram @ _daniellerobin: Here

2. From twitter: @imclosetocaring: Here

3. From instagram @risingwoman: Here

5. From twitter @sarahsmith23: Here

YouTube: Here

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